Booking Confirmed

Time to complete your medical history questionnaire.

Thank you for your booking. It’s time for you to get ready for your appointment. You need to fill out a medical history questionnaire by clicking on the link below.

A woman standing on a beach next to the oceanA woman standing on a beach next to the ocean.

About your Booking

The questionnaire is essential to your treatment as we will need to know your medical history, get a copy of your ID and NHS medical records. Without this information, the doctor may not be able to prescribe you medication.

What you can do to prepare for your appointment:​​

Please fill out the the medical history questionnaire that’s also been sent to your email address​
Contact your NHS GP surgery to get a copy of your medical records (*please note we need a copy of this to treat you. We may have to delay your appointment if you don't have that information to hand)

​If you need support with anything, you can always contact our patient support team.

an older man wearing glasses and a sweater